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Le Forum-EVEX 2024, held from 16-18 October in Cannes, France, attracted over 500 participants from 26 countries, including 170 operators and 83 exhibitors and sponsors.

Hosted at the Carlton Hotel, the gathering marked the 30th anniversary of the European Vending Association (EVA). During the Annual General Assembly meeting (AGM) on 17 October, EVA president Sergio Barbarisi and director general Erwin Wetzel discussed the association's key achievements since 1994, including changes to the €0.50 coin and the establishment of industry standards.

During the AGM, Aslak de Silva, the CEO of Selfly Store, was elected to the EVA Executive Committee, becoming the first smart vending solutions provider on the board. EVA said that this "can be seen as a strong signal from EVA members to reflect a changing reality of the industry as newer segments and sales channels become ever more interesting for machine operators".

In addition, the event featured networking opportunities alongside conferences and workshops organized by FCM magazine, the French Vending Association (NAVSA) and EVA. A multi-day exhibition took place within the hotel.

On 17 October, the Innovation Awards 2024 were presented, with Brita’s Purity c IQ winning both Best Product and Best Innovation. Televend's Masterpiece received the Best Concept award.

EVA announced that EVEX 2025 will take place from 9-12 September in Split, Croatia, aiming to introduce members to the Croatian vending market and the broader Balkan region.

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New EVA board member elected at Le Forum-EVEX in Cannes

Rafaela Sousa

29 October 2024

New EVA board member elected at Le Forum-EVEX in Cannes

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