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The Water Quality Association (WQA) Convention & Exposition will take place from 18-20 April 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event gives attendees the opportunity to meet some of the leading companies in the water treatment industry. Angie Silberhorn, CMP events director at WQA, reveals what we can expect from this year’s event. 

What can we expect from this year's event?

The WQA Convention & Exposition is the most comprehensive annual gathering of water treatment professionals in North America. More than 2,500 participants are expected to join us for the event, with nearly 200 exhibitors (one-third of which are international) showcasing the latest products and technology, as well as four days of stellar industry education and networking. Our keynote session will be a dynamic event with live entertainment, leadership awards, an industry update from our president and executive director and our keynote speaker, Mae Stevens, an environmental and water infrastructure policy expert who advocates for point-of-use and point-of-entry applications and will deliver a 'state of the industry' message. You can also anticipate some elements of surprise and delight.

 Every year, the WQA Convention & Exposition has a keyword – this year's being 'Momentum'. Could you tell us more about that and what 'Momentum' entails?

The need for quality water is everywhere and becoming increasingly recognised, so the momentum in our industry is rapidly building. Our annual flagship event must match that momentum. Our members depend on our convention to stay up to date on the latest trends, water science, business best practices and legislative and regulatory affairs. So, the convention, with the pandemic in our rearview mirror, is also building momentum in the experience we deliver as we’re seeing growth in membership, exhibitors, international attendees and first-time attendees.

Have there been any changes or updates to the event since the last annual convention and exposition?

As the industry continues to build momentum, so does WQA. We just saw the EPA announce its new regulatory goals for PFAS, one of the emerging contaminants that’s getting so much attention. And PFAS will be front and centre at this convention. We’ll have a one-day PFAS symposium along with education sessions and discussions in our Dealers and Manufacturers Sections Meetings. In addition, we’ll discuss our 2023 Consumer Opinion Study, a survey of consumers’ awareness and understanding of water quality issues and treatment options. That survey is done every two years, so this will be very important as we put the pandemic behind us and see what consumers are thinking and saying about water.

With less than a month to go, this must be a very busy time for the events team. What does it look like behind the scenes as you prepare for this year's event?

With a new and expanded WQA events team representing three generations, we’re looking at all aspects of the 2023 convention and beyond with fresh perspectives. We’re excited to be keeping and improving upon tried-and-true elements while also infusing fresh ideas. We’re in the final push ahead of the event, putting in long hours dotting the I’s, crossing the T’s and packing the boxes. The teamwork is outstanding, and we’re excited to deliver an incomparable experience.

Is there anything else about WQA Convention & Exposition 2023 you would like to share?

Each year’s convention has its own unique vibe, and this year surely will as well. We know new relationships will develop, longtime friendships will be rekindled, new business opportunities will emerge, and we’ll move the industry forward. Avoid FOMO, join us!

Interview: WQA outlines main goals for 2023 event

Dan Bunt

11 April 2023

Interview: WQA outlines main goals for 2023 event

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